“Growing in Truth”
For Older ages 11-14
Date: June 30- July 6
Wanna be in on the inside scoop and get cozy in your knowledge of Christs’ truth?
Well, pack your bags campers, and get ready to learn some of the most precious truths about our Lord while basking in the beauty of Mound Ridge! We will channel our inner John 15:5, “I am the vine, you are the branches,” and diving headfirst into God’s plans for us. From floating on the river, hiking, and community-building to the elements course, we’ll bring God’s truths to life and have a blast while doing it! And guess what? the 4th of July is just around the corner, SO prepare your camper to experience epic Independence Day festivities while at camp!
Lets get ready to have a great week at camp having so much fun!!!
“Growing in Truth”
For Younger Ages 6-10
Date: July 7-13
Ready to up your game and strengthen your bond with Jesus? Get ready to soak up some divine knowledge and grow your relationship with Jesus! At Mound Ridge, we’ll show you how to flourish like a tree planted by the riverbank, with roots deep in John 15:5:”I am the vine; your are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit: apart from me you can do nothing.” And, while you’re here, you’ll also get to explore the amazing natural beauty of our surrounding, takin in God’s marvelous creation. Our campers get to hike, float down the river, tackle our epic elements course, and connect with each other, brining God’s truth to life.
Saddle up, partners!!!
We’re in for a super-charged horse adventure! Get ready to learn all about trail safety, equine first aid, and even how to make your own rope halters! But hold your horses, there’s more!
We’ll be swapping horse stories, mucking out stalls, and having group learning session that’ll make you laugh ’til you neigh’! Plus, there’s ziplining, swimming, and a Sunday Morning Devotional, guaranteed to stir your soul and get you trotting in the right direction!
Get ready to wrangle! Don’t forget to pack all your horse gear-we’ll handle the stall set-up! Just bring your own hay and grain for three days. And when it come to food, leave the grub at home! We’ll rustle up some delicious chuck wagon dinners, breakfasts, and lunches to enjoy together at night we’ll sing songs around the campfire and gaze at the beautiful night sky, tell stories of the day and turn-in to your bunks for a good night sleep!
Bring Your Horse to Camp Weekend
JULY 12-14, 2024
AGES – 8-17 (register early space is limited)
$125.00 per camper
Two day event includes-
For Campers- Bunk lodging and Outdoor style camper meals,
For Horses – Stall Materials and lodging
Grain and Hay needed for 3 days
Horse and tack!
This will be an action packed weekend!
Thank you sponsors/volunteers to Bring Your Horse to Camp and to
Camp Director, Paige Gargus
For the week long Children in Nature Overnight Summer programs ONLY...
PLEASE NOTE: Thanks to generous donors to our “Children in Nature” Program, we are able to provide great summer experiences to summer campers at a special pricing available for children and youth. Click here to fill out our application.
We also now offer sibling price packages. Please email moundridge1@gmail.com or call (573) 265-3098 if you have any questions.